Every year, Parks and Trails New York (PTNY) hosts a cycling event that guides participants through the 400-mile canal trail system. This year, they passed through Brockport on a beautiful, sunny day and were greeted by Walk! Bike! Brockport! volunteers with water, music, cheering and a postcard writing station. The Westside News published a nice story about the event (and I pulled a couple of their pictures for this post).

At the end of the day the village of Brockport mailed 345 post cards to 291 unique zip codes across the country (and several out of the states).

Only 9 states were not represented in our postcard sending (Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming). Two of those surprise me since they are (relatively) close-by states. Still, to have people in 41 states across the country receive a little bit of info about Brockport is quite a treat.
We also had some nice coverage on the local news. Erica Schneider, from PTNY, was on the tour and stopped to give an interview. She’s also part of the team working with Brockport as part of the Empire State Canal Town program, which is designed to help communities on the canal take advantage of this resource for tourism and economic development.