On Wednesday, October 5th, Walk! Bike! Brockport! participated in National Walk To School Day, which helps raise awareness about active transportation for school children. Brockport had over 600 children, many with their parents, participate in the event.

W!B!B! members participated in the event as greeters throughout the village. Rozenn and I had a spot by Brockway Place and Main. It was a beautiful day to spend the morning greeting young pedestrians on their way to school.

Many thanks to Jim Goetz and Debbie Wall for doing most of the heavy lifting on the event (although I’m told by Jim that after so many years of organizing the event, it is easy to put together).

We were also excited to see so many college students out to support the event by walking with the children and helping out where they needed to.

The event could not have been as much of a success without all the volunteers and donations. We had over 30 community volunteers. Two farms donated apples. Tim Horton’s supplied coffee (not at the spot where Rozenn and I picked up our vests, though…). Those fun blow-up characters were brought to life by two employees at the village office. We also had cash donations from Oak Orchard Health, Strong West, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club and Harsch Crisp Seamon Post 379. A big thank you goes out to all of these organizations and people for helping make the event a big success.